Sunday, October 19, 2014

Dr. F's Big, Hairy Spider Reaction

Meanwhile, back at the lab, Dr. Frankenfurter could not kill the spider afterall. 

 photo Its a Spider Run.gif

Friday, October 10, 2014

HAZMAT Headache

A man was taken off a plane today in Dallas by HAZMAT because he was complaining of having a headache.

Photo courtesy of:

Volume too Low

A father was complaining that the volume was too low and had to use the speakerphone, so the child remove the scratch resistant film.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

"Fish Eye Lens" on Homestar Runner-Stupidly Funny

The video "Fish Eye Lens" on Homestar Runner is so stupid it's funny. I remember cruising their site years ago and they just  keep getting better and better.

Check out:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Monitoring Personal Success

Lately, I have been a junky, getting my "fix" as it were, to monitoring my emotions, future success, and goals for my family. I am extremely anal retentive about my daily routine. When one modifies tasks (for the better), it builds confidence. Check out my daily checklist and tell me what you think.

 If you want to know more about "The Science of Self-Confidence", feel free to comment as well.

Mental Acuity vs. Self-Esteem

I have recently been teaching SAT to various students in the Philippines of whom are from Korea. Their ability to learn English SAT is a struggle for them, but is also in the same sense, extremely inspiring for me.

I have a student who we will call “Calvin”. He is from Korea and is finding learning the SAT very draining. I have been noticing some emotional issues with him. He has not shown any aggression of any sorts, but I can tell from his body language that he feels “stupid”.

I have been “experimenting”with him (in a manner of speaking). Keep in mind the students do not know what “level” the drills are: 

I gave him a few Critical Reading exercises. The first one was a Level 3 drill with which he had to read 4 paragraphs and then answer seven (7) questions; he got all of the answers wrong.

The next passage was a Level 4 drill. When he was done, I verbally asked him what the answers were. Even though some of the answer choices were incorrect, I resounded with around 80% of them being correct. His attitude changed within a matter of minutes.

For the final passage, being a Level 5, I told him to underline the words in the paragraphs that he didn’t understand. After doing so, I asked him if those same words are in the answer choices. He responded with, “No”. After he had answered the questions, he actually got 75% of the answer choices correct.

After my research in neuroplasticity, most of what we learn has to do with our feeling of self-worth and “knowing” we are synaptically limitless.

Friday, March 28, 2014

It's Been a While

It's been a while since I last posted on here. My sincere apologies to that one person who reads them. I moved to the Philippines to join my wife on an awesome journey of discovering self and each other. As we go through the residency on this lovely island, I will be posting videos on YouTube. You can follow our link here.

Feel free to also follow me on twitter.

Also, I invite you to comment on what you wish for me to post about the Philippines. Thank you for viewing. We look forward to hearing from you.